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Tomato Spaghetti Recipe

Potato Fritters Recipe
December 29, 2022
Prawn cutlet recipe
January 16, 2023

Fresh ingredients makes dish more healthy

Preparation time-10mins

Cooking time-15mins



  • Whole wheat spaghetti-200gms
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Basil leaves
  • Garlic-2tbsp(chopped)
  • Onion-1(chopped)
  • Salt
  • Tomato sauce-2 cup
  • Cheese(optional)


1. Boil water in a bowl with salt,add spaghetti and cook for few minutes.

2. Put a saucepan on a medium flame,add extra virgin olive oil and chopped garlic then saute for few minutes.

3. Now add onion and cook for few minutes,after few minutes add spaghetti water.

4. Add tomato sauce and basil leaves,after that add spaghetti.

5. Stir spaghetti into the tomato sauce mixture.

6. Now it is the time for plating,put spaghetti into the plate ,spread greated cheese if needed,immediately serve the hot spaghetti .