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Oil Free Mushroom Chicken Recipe

Sweet And Sour Recipe
August 5, 2019
Fruit Loop Treats
August 27, 2019

Zero oil chicken, enjoy healthy eating.

Preparation time- 20 mins

Cooking time- 25 min

Serve- 4


  • Chicken-500gms
  • Oats-5tsp
  • Poppy Seeds-2.5tsp
  • Sesame Seeds-3tsp
  • Flax Seeds-2tsp
  • Salt To Taste
  • Mushrooms-6pieces(sliced)
  • Yogurt-1cup
  • Black pepper-1tsp


1. Toast and grind oats, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, flax seeds individually.

2. Take a bowl, add chicken, yogurt, black pepper, salt ,ground poppy seeds, sesame seeds, and mushrooms. Mix all the things and marinate for 2 hours.

3. Cook the marinated chicken in the pan on the low flame. Stir it occasionally with little water.

4. When chicken gets cooked add ground oats, flax seeds .Stir it.

5. Serve hot.