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Carrot Beetroot Curry Recipe

Bread Pakora Recipe
April 19, 2022
Gokul Pithe Recipe
May 7, 2022

Healthy tasty quick curry

Preparation time-15mins

Cooking time-25mins



  • Carrot-1 cup(cut into small square pieces)
  • Beetroot-1 cup(cut into small square pieces)
  • Pea-1/2 cup
  • Tomato-1(sliced)
  • Coriander leaves-1/2 cup(chopped)
  • Cumin seed-1 tsp
  • Turmeric powder-1/2 tsp
  • Cumin powder-1tsp
  • Asafoetida-1/4tsp
  • Dry ginger powder-1tsp
  • Green chilli-2tsp(chopped)
  • Salt to taste
  • Cooking oil


1. Heat a nonstick pan,add cooking oil,when oil is slightly hot add cumin seed,asafoetida.

2. When they cracle add diced carrot,stir it, after few minutes add chopped green chilli, stir fry.

3. Add diced beetroot and mix all of them,add turmeric powder,salt and fry.

4. Cover the pan with a lid.

5. After few minutes open the lid,add sliced tomato and mix them,cover it with a lid.

6. After opening the lid you should see all tomatoes are cooked,then add green pea and mix up.

7. Add cumin powder,turmeric powder,dry ginger powder,salt mix all of them properly.

8. Add lukewarm water,stir all the ingredients and cover it.

9. After few minutes open the lid and watch carrot beetroot is cooked or not.

10. If they are cooked, mix them.

11. Add chopped coriander leaves and mix them.

12. Now carrot beertroot curry is ready to be served.