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Almond Omelette Recipe

Non Spicy Chicken Recipe
September 20, 2022
Chunk Noodles Recipe
October 10, 2022

Quick easy healthy breakfast dish

Preparation time-10mins

Cooking time-5mins



  • Egg-2
  • Blanched almond-10
  • Soy sauce-1 tsp
  • Salt
  • Butter-1 tsp
  • Parsley leaves


1. Take some almond in a bowl,soak in hot water for few minutes.

2. After it is soaked peel off the almond and chop them.

3. Beat the egg in a bowl,add soy sauce,salt,chopped almond and beat it properly.

4. Heat the pan,add butter,spread the butter in whole pan.

5. Add egg mixture,when one side is cooked,flip the other side.

6. When other side is cooked ,keep it on the serving plate.

7. Sprinkle parsley leaves on the omelette.