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Spaghetti Recipe

Vegetable Daliya Recipe
November 5, 2022
Prawn Rice Recipe
November 28, 2022

Easy quick Italian food

Preparation time-10mins

Cooking time-10mins



  • Spaghetti-200gm
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Parsley leaves-1/2 cup(chopped)
  • Chilli flakes-1tsp
  • Salt
  • Garlic-2tbsp(chopped)


1. Boil water in a bowl with salt,add spaghetti and cook for few minutes.

2. Take a large pan, add extra virgin olive oil,after that add chopped garlic.

3. Saute it in medium flame,add chilli flakes,chopped parsley leaves.

4. Add spaghetti water and cook well,add spaghetti and mix up.

5. After platting spread chilli flakes and parsley leaves .

6. Very easy quick Italian spaghetti is ready.